Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life Update

Wow, I have 4 followers now. Thats pretty cool. Well, for those who are following, here is what I have been up to lately...

sleeping in until lunch time, eating endless amounts of food, watching endless amounts of television/movies, listening to endless amounts of music. Sound exciting eh? Not when your spending every day of your summer like this.

but other than my regular routine, here are some of the highlights of my summer:
-went and saw Demon Hunter and met the guys (which has been a dream of mine)
-saw our church's broadway musical performance (which was hilarious)
-spent a day with friends

Here's what i'm planning on doing later this summer:
-see mewithoutYou
-Visit my broseph in Arizona
-Visit relatives in Missouri
-Join my church's bowling league, and possibly dominate.
-get a job (puke)

Hopefully some suprises will come up during the summer and create new oppurtunities.

Anyways, I am already looking forward to the fall semester. I hope and pray that I can get back on track schoolwise, and I am definitely looking forward to seeing all my friends up there, and making new ones!

God is Love and Love is real. (so true)